Contacts and Resources

Contact Us for More Information and Local Buddhist Resources!
Email Us:
Feel free to reach out to us at gabuddhistcamp@gmail.com anytime with your questions, thoughts, and ideas—we’d love to hear from you!
Get Involved:
Interested in volunteering, making a donation, or getting involved with our organization? Contact us today!
Continue Your Practice Throughout the Year!
Learn more about Buddhist groups in English in the Atlanta area at: AtlantaBuddhism.org
For Atlanta Zen meditation classes in English, visit: www.atlantazen.org
For additional residential retreats open to the public (including both Chinese and English tracks), visit: https://www.drbu.edu/academics/institutes-centers/extension/
BuddhistClub.org is our new site for Young Adults and Retreats!
亞特蘭大佛學社 | Atlanta Buddhism Association
6117 Oakbrook Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30093
亞特蘭大 法鼓山 | Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Atlanta
4036 Wetherburn Way NW, Norcross, GA 30092
法寶寺 (中台禪寺亞特蘭大分院) | Dharma Jewel Monastery
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30345
亞特蘭大淨宗學會 | Mietoville Academy - Pure Land Association of Atlanta
2800 Simpson Circle, Norcross, GA 30071
普賢寺 | Pu Xian Temple
3140 Shallowford Pl, Chamblee, GA 30341
慈濟 | Tzu Chi Foundation - Atlanta Branch
and Tzu Chi Chinese School (weekends only)
3120 Medlock Bridge Road, Bldg E, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
Drepung Loseling Monastery
1781 Dresden Dr, Atlanta, GA 30319
Quang Minh Temple
1168 Benteen Ave SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30312 United States
Find Buddhist Groups Nationwide via SFZen.org
Discover a directory and map of Chinese Buddhist temples and organizations across the United States and Canada at www.SFZen.org/usa.